Property Center is tenant friendly!

I just completed updating Property Center with a couple new features.  This update most notably allows tenants to request user accounts.  Tenant user accounts allow tenants to log in to your website to add maintenance requests, view their maintenance request history, check their current balance, and view their lease history (including payments/fees). 

By default, Property Center turns on anonymous maintenance requests and tenant user account requests.  As always, Property Center is very configurable and allows you to turn off tenant user account requests and/or anonymous maintenance requests.  So it’s simple to facilitate these additional cases:

  • You can set up Property Center so that tenants have to log in to request maintenance.
  • You can configure Property Center so that tenants cannot log in, but anyone can request maintenance.
  • You can set up Property Center so that tenants cannot request user accounts and anonymous maintenance requests are disabled.

These are all of the changes made with this update:


  • Tenants can be assigned to user accounts. This allows tenants to
    log in to perform certain tasks not available to anonymous users. You
    can assign roles to these accounts just like any other user account.
    They also have special permissions:

    • They’re able to view lease information and lease transactions only for leases assigned to them.
    • They cannot view other users in the system.
  • Maintenance requests can be requested anonymously or with a tenant user account.
  • Email addresses are validated properly throughout the system.
  • Added additional name templates for generated units (add a new property page)
  • Export as pdf menu item added to the account invoices action menu


  • Vacant unit counts on the map where changed slightly. Red unit
    counts were hard to see on the orange background, so they were changed
    to black.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the vacant unit count color on the property details window
    in the map view. It used to show a green count if there were vacant
    units. Now it correctly shows the count as red.
  • Fixed custom appearance render bug with IE 6