Category Archives: Uncategorized

.Net performance: Boxing vs. parsing

I just asked this in a performance chat w/ Rico. It might be of use to some developers that are curious about these sorts of things…

Q: Hey Rico. How much of a performance difference is there between boxing vs. parsing. For instance:
return (bool)ViewState["myvar"];
return bool.parse(ViewState["myvar"].ToString());

A: Parsing is a total disaster compared to boxing. ToString will make a string then it will be parsed. Actually in that example there’s just unboxing which is really cheap. Very few cases of boxing would ever be more expensive than making a temp string — it’s not *that* bad to box

This was mainly due to an FxCop rule that says that it is bad to box values. Apparently this is one case where boxing is much better than the alternative.

The Internet – A place rundown by marketing teams….

I was thinking about the state of the Internet as of late… it seems to me that it has become a shoddy marketing medium. Honestly, it reminds me of an old, stinky, dark alley. Most of the excitement and innovation has gone. Replaced by adwords, banner ads, and traffic squatters..

Google seems to be one of the only sites that continues to get people excited. Other “leaders” are just following it’s wake… And that’s sad that a search engine (aka – marketing machine) can get people so damn excited…

Pretty soon, we’ll need Tivo for the web, so that we can catch information that doesn’t really matter anyway… wait, that’s called RSS.

Think about it… there hasn’t been any significant changes to the web since vector graphics became mainstream. It’s still the same boring places to visit. Yeah there is new information… and now everyone’s voice can be heard through blogs or podcasts. whoopidy do.. Maybe people lack creativity to come up with exciting applications, or maybe certain companies (MS, IBM, Apple, etc) are squandering innovation… they buy up innovative companies and in the end, slow progress… I know that it’s capitalism, but at the same time, I would think that some of the founders would want to re-live the excitement that they had when they were creating their world…

American MBAs are today’s assembly line workers…

I have thought about writing this post for about a week or two. Either I couldn’t find the words before, or I’ve been working hard on something 🙂 So, I’ll take my best shot and throw some words together to try to get this thought across.

I have been thinking about the trend in America that, in my mind, has been developing for the last 15 years or so. It has definitely been more prevalent in the last 5 years or so. It seems as though the trend of American businessmen/women is that rather than manage local workforce (local to the US), the new trend is to manage global workforce. If you’re running a rather large organization and you don’t acknowledge off-shoring, you might be behind the game. I do realize that there are disadvantages to off-shoring, but that is for other people to bark about in a different post.

It seems to me that the US has become quite a producer of MBAs… you could think of it as universities mass producing MBAs… with 2 year degree programs being similar to assembly lines. That many people looking to expand their skills, takes away from people who work in factories, etc. Thus the gap is filled by off-shoring to “smaller” countries where people are eager to work for their money. Now I realize that the US still produces quite a lot of products, so I’m not ignoring those. I’m just curious where all of these MBA grads think they can fit in.

On a totally unrelated note, I’m not quite sure how I feel about this. If I get charged for gasoline and for the number of miles that I drive, I will not be a happy camper. I already pay taxes for roads. I would gladly pay higher taxes if the people responsible for fixing the roads would use better materials/techniques. As I understand, there are technologies/techniques available today, to allow roads to last much longer. They just don’t use them because then what would they do in the summer? People would be forced to be happy and not have to drive through half finished construction projects, everywhere. On the other hand, there is a downside to only paying the miles that you drive. It discourages buying gas guzzling SUVs and related cars/trucks. The sooner that we can wean off of oil, the better, in my opinion.

Polar plunge ’05

Today, I proved how stupid I can be at times…

I convinced myself and my roommate to go do the Polar Plunge in Muskego, WI. It benefited Special Olympics of Wisconsin. The turnout was pretty impressive. We ended up getting caught up with a group from Matty’s Bar & Grill. They ended up raising over $10,000 for the event, which is pretty impressive. Heh, we even got to be part of the video that they were making for the bar…

So who knows… I might just do this again, next year. Also, if you’re looking for a good reuben sandwich around Muskego, go to Matty’s. It’s a fun bar and has good food… not to mention hot girls 😉

Update: Pictures available here and here.

A new setup for my home machine

I placed an order for a new computer today. I spent a little more than I wanted, but what the hell… it provides me with some room for upgrades in the future.

I went with AMD for the first time. More specifically, I picked up an AMD 64 3500+ chip, at the recommendation of Jure. A side effect is that I subscribed to his blog 🙂

I only was able to go with 1gb of RAM, which sucks, but I’ll be able to improve on that in the future. The board has a 4gb limit for RAM. Specifically, this is the setup I chose to go with:

Motherboard: MSI K8T Neo2-FIR
CPU: AMD Athlon 64 3500+
RAM: 1GB (2x512mb) Corsair DDR400 (PC3200) – Model: TWINX1024-3200XLPRO
HDD: Western Digital SATA 250GB w/ 8mb buffer – Model: WD2500JD

I ordered everything but the hdd from Monarch Computer Systems. I also included some rounded cables, for the hell of it. I got the hdd from If Newegg offered a nice package deal like Monarch did, I would have gone with them for everything. It seems as though

Buying a new computer….

I have decided that I will upgrade my home machine. It is currently a 1ghz PIII w/ 512mb ram. I find this lagging. I am looking for a fairly new processor around the 3ghz range. I would like to have 1.5- 2gb of ram. I would also like support for a SATA drive.

My current dilemma is whether I should go AMD 64 or Intel… Intel is a little cheaper, but AMD 64 would allow me to experiment w/ 64bit development. If I could get a board that supports dual processors, then all the better…

My ideal price range for all of this would be around $500 or so… I don’t know if I can do that w/ the RAM requirement, but that is the price range I’m shooting for.

Does anyone have any recommendations about this?

I’m a panelist!

One down… one to go.  I just got verification that accepted me as a threeview.  A threeview is one of three panelists that critic a specific restaurant’s food.  The fourth person who goes to the restaurant is a writer for the magazine.  Having dinner with three random unknown people should be fun

Now I just need to be accpeted as a model for the magazine and everything would be peachy… 🙂

Can I be a model and a panelist for food reviews?

I decided to sign up for a couple things tonight. I went to a local website and played around with their site. I stumbled across the option to model for the magazine and figured… what the hell… I could do that. So, I sent an application to do so. We’ll see how it goes…

After signing up to be a model, I decided that I should also sign up to be a panelist for the dining section. So after another email, the waiting game begins. I’ve been talking with someone who has done the panelist position before. She said that it’s a pretty cool situation… plus the free food is always nice. Time will tell if I have what it takes, though.