Category Archives: Uncategorized

xsd.exe fails with statements

I wanted to generate some classes from two related schemas tonight, and unfortunately xsd.exe failed.  It didn’t seem to recognize the <xsd:import> statement in the main xsd file.  Apparently the schemaLocation attribute is considered a hint and is not in the spec.  so… MS doesn’t recognize it.  Anyway, in order to get xsd.exe to work properly, you just have to specify all of the files as parameters. 

So instead of something like

xsd.exe MyParent.xsd /c

I had to use

xsd.exe MyChild.xsd MyParent.xsd /c

Lovely weather in Feb 2007

It’s days like these that really make me appreciate living in Wisconsin.  I love how snow looks when it has just fallen and is still sticking to trees.  I’ve been living temporarily in Green Bay, and that gave me an excellent opportunity to take some pictures yesterday and today.  Molly had some fun playing in the snow as well… You can find more pictures here.

Baird's Creek in Green Bay Molly jumping a logMolly is running...Winter berries

The type arguments for method cannot be inferred from the usage…

I created a helper method to iterate a list of strongly typed objects.  It was to be a simple method, that just returning a property of the objects with a separator character between each.  The method signature looked like the following:

public static string FormatMyList<T>(List<T> list, string separator)
{ … }

What I had overlooked, though, was that the property I was passing was only an IList object (due to being a property used with nHibernate).  So, I received an error message similar to the following: Compiler Error Message: CS0411:
The type arguments for method ‘TextFormatUtil.FormatMyList<T>(System.Collections.Generic.List<T>)’
cannot be inferred from the usage. Try specifying the type arguments

After correcting the method signature to use an IList, everything was fine…

A pledge to visit Europe in 2007

Hi all,

I would really like to see Europe again while I’m still somewhat young.  My current income does not allot much gas money for the trip, unfortunately.  This is where you can help me 🙂

If you can lend a buck or two to the cause, I will record everything that happens on the trip.  I’ll post blog entries, post pictures, and hopefully I’ll even be able to show some videos. 


How to remove URL, date, and title from web print outs

Interested in printing something from the web, but not having it look like it came from the web?  Do this…


  1. Open up Firefox (Available from here)
  2. Click File->Page Setup…
  3. Click Margins & Header/Footer tab
  4. Set all dropdown menus under the Headers & Footers section to “–blank–”
  5. Click Ok

Internet Explorer:

  1. Open up Internet Explorer
  2. Click File->Page Setup…
  3. Clear both text boxes under the Headers and Footers section
  4. Click Ok


From a Property Center forum post


My life has taken an unusual turn for the moment.  I’ve had quite a bit on my mind the last two days and this is the first time I’ve had a chance to access the internet and let you all know about it…

My mom went in for a cardiac catheterization procedure on Friday and we were lead to believe that it was going to be an outpatient procedure.  The cath procedure was a result of a recent stress test that she had done.  They were going to go in and possibly perform an angioplasty or insert a stent, if the cath procedure determined it necessary.  Well, they found a blockage on one of the three main arteries on the heart and the doctor determined that the best solution was to perform surgery to bypass the blockage.

So she went in for triple bypass surgery at 7:00am this morning.  My sister, brother, and his wife were able to get to Green Bay by about 3:00am, so everyone was able to see her before the procedure.  As of this point, she is out of surgery and hanging out in the intensive care unit.  She’ll remain in the ICU until tomorrow, where she’ll be transfered to a normal room in the hospital.   Amazingly enough, they’ll get her walking as soon as possible (tomorrow) and they basically try to get the heart patients active to prevent clotting and other problems. 

So it looks as though the worst is over and it’s rehab from here on.  I do have to admit that I feel very happy that the work I do allows me to be as productive from remote locations as from my home office.  It will really help to be there for my mom as she recovers, while continuing to work on my work projects.