Tag Archives: subversion

Goodbye Vault, Hello Subversion

After a few years of using Vault, I have completed moving all of my internal projects to Subversion.  Since I regularly work from multiple computers/locations and will most likely be adding people in the future, i wanted a free, flexible solution for source control.  Subversion was a breeze to setup and I’m very happy with how it isn’t integrated with Visual Studio.  I much prefer using TortoiseSvn to manage my project.  No longer will I have to wait for visual studio to connect to a repository when Internet access isn’t available.  It just makes life a little easier…

I know that I could’ve used Vault with out the Visual Studio integration, but that’s how it set itself up and I generally take the path of least resistance.  Truth be told… I had numerous instances where Vault failed to overwrite files with the latest from the repository.  Also, I know that Subversion has a companion called VisualSvn that allows you to use it inside Visual Studio.  I’ve realized that I’m not a big fan of integrating the IDE with source control.  You may be different, but that’s how I feel…

Anyway, I welcome the change to Subversion and I hope that it serves me as well as Vault has.