Bit of windows… bit of thought…

Apparently I have thought that it’s cool to include some tech gripes with a random thought that doesn’t have to do with technology.  Sort of forces people who like one or the other, to read both… suckers 😛

I was bored at some point today, so I tried to define how people perceive confidence.  This is what I came up with… Confidence is having the sense of direction or a future movement beyond that of those around you.  So in order to give off an aura of confidence, people demonstrate or act as though they have somewhere to go (which is beyond that of the people around them) and they’re gong there with or without those around you.  It is at that point that people “latch on” or desire to go where you are going… This might be faulty logic or considered a description of some other trait, but hey.. I was bored and that’s what I came up with.  If you have a better description, I’m all ears.  Btw, Encarta defines it as: “A belief or self-assurance in your ability to succeed.”  I think that they fail in the fact that part of confidence has to do with responses/reactions from others…

Now, for the computer side of things… I was reading an SDK earlier today (yeah, a real joy, I know…) and I couldn’t help but think that the user interface for Microsoft Help (version 5) just sucked.  It makes you think that you’re in a browser, but lacks some features that I have grown used to.  For one, I would like to have the option to use tabs for different help topics.  This would be similar to the tabbed browser windows that Mozilla/Firefox provides.  Or even the tabbed view the VS.Net provides.  The other major thing that irritated me was the lack of history with the back & forward buttons.  Yeah, I can scan through the previous topics that I visited by just clicking the left arrow a bunch of times, but I want to be able to right click on the left arrow and see a list of the last 10 or so topics that I have visited.  Again, this would operate almost exactly like the back/forward buttons in a typical browser.  there… rant over.

Also, in office 2003, if you Alt+Click on a word, it’ll open up the “Look up…” window for that word.