Using pjax with ASP.Net MVC3

I was recently introduced to the pjax project and wondered how hard it would be to use it with  It turns out that it takes next to no effort to have a basic mvc3 razor application support pjax.


pjax uses ajax to reload a portion of your page.  This is nothing new, but the “p” part of pjax stands for pushState.  PushState is a new feature of Html5 that allows you to modify browser history, without messing around with hash values.  So pushState gives you the speed boost of using ajax to update just part of your page, while offering a traditional experience for browsers like IE.  According to, Firefox 4+, Safari 5+, Chrome 8+, iOS 4+, and Android 2.2+ all support pushState.


The github home for the jQuery plugin for pjax has an overview of available options and usage.  The project also has a demo hosted on heroku that will give you an idea of how pjax works and some ideas for how you can use it in your application(s).

My version using Asp.Net MVC3

While my version may not be as sexy as the Ruby example, it’s simple and allows you to still use content sections for things like javascript.  I just check for the X-PJAX header in the _ViewStart.cshtml, where my layout is specified for the views.  If the X-PJAX header is specified, then the views should use a “chrome-less” layout.  Otherwise, they should use the normal layout.

The _ViewStart.cshtml file looks like:

  if (Request.Headers["X-PJAX"] != null) {
    Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_PjaxLayout.cshtml";
  } else {
    Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";

My _PjaxLayout.cshtml layout file is very basic and just contains a tag for the page title and the content body section:


Additional thoughts

If you have javascript that needs to run on the page, you could easily add @RenderSection(“Script”, false) after @RenderBody().  Just keep in mind that the pjax plugin only updates one container on the page.  So if you have multiple html content sections that need updating, you would need to wrap them in a container that could be updated in one call.


If you’re interested, feel free to take a look at the mvc3 pjax demo project I created.

3 thoughts on “Using pjax with ASP.Net MVC3

  1. Thanks for the article. I am going to find this really useful, and it is an excellent solution for MVC 3 projects.

    The download does not currently work straight out of the “box” as there is a bug.

    In your _ViewStart file, you reference _Pjax.cshtml instead of _PjaxLayout.cshtml.

  2. While pjax is neat. It’s limited by the lack of pushState support in IE9 and lower and mobile browsers. It’s too bad that it does not default to window.location in these cases.

    Also why would you include a title in your Pjax layout? there already is one at this point.

    1. Everything is always limited by IE… It’s not an innovative browser and is always playing catch-up, at best. pjax will fallback to traditional clicks very easily in the case where the browser doesn’t support pushstate. But for modern browsers, pjax works very well. There is no need to use window.location since the anchor links will operate normally, instead of trapping the click.

      The title element is not necessary, but it allows you to update the page title when pjax updates body content. It’s rare that every page on your site has the same page title, so this allows you to mimic typical surfing a little more.

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