Tag Archives: photoshop

Playing with my first RAW photo…

Believe it or not, I actually took the picture that is now the background for this site.  I know, it's just a simple picture of clouds… but this picture is special to me since it's a portion of a picture I snapped when I was at my cabin, it was my first RAW picture, and I was later able to alter the lighting via Photoshop (multiple times, I might add).  I have never played with RAW format before, but man… you can REALLY change what a picture looks like by altering all of the values associated with it.  I can see where taking one RAW picture can be more valuable than taking 100 jpg pictures.  I suppose you have to find the happy medium of taking the picture w/ the right light on the camera first and then photoshop it if necessary.  In my humble opinion, I was able to bring out the blue color in the sky so that it matches the color scheme of the site pretty well.