Possible evolutionary twist…

Evolution is taking/going to take an interesting twist, I think… This specific twist concerns cosmetic surgery with human beings.  So, you take current American societal beliefs, people striving to be accepted or valued as beautiful.  Now, the way I see things is that the people getting cosmetic surgery, to alter their original genetic appearance, are probably going to procreate more with people further up in society’s status ranks.  I think that this has a tendency to “dilute” the public/popular gene pool from the desired result, though.  While one person thinks that they are procreating with an attractive counterpart, it is rather an unattractive person wearing camouflage.  Both the male and female can take one or both roles.  Thus, most times the need for “camouflage” (surgery to make more attractive) remains and unattractive offspring results… Now there are most likely exceptions to this, but I still think that it is a strong possibility…


Perhaps I should go patent the idea of changing someone’s gene makeup so that their offspring retains the traits/features currently displayed.