I know French…

Or at least I did in a dream that I had last night.  It was a pretty realistic dream, and I can definitely remember the latter part of it.  It involved me at a coffee bar of sorts.  At the point I can remember, I was talking to a waitress (I think) and got her number.  I had planned to go out with her within the next couple days.  Instead of leaving, I started talking to another girl.  This girl ended up being the roommate of the one that I first talked to.  This one spoke in French to me, however.  She was a French exchange person (not sure if she was a student or not).  So, I setup a date with her to – this time it involved a dinner that she was going to make for me.  Before I left the coffee bar, the first girl came up to me and said something like “If you continue to see [insert roommates name here], I will begin to hate you.” 

Very strange dream, but I guess it encompasses what is going on in my life.  Another part that I can remember is walking down a street that reminded me a combination of Brady & Water.  The catch is that it was similar to a side street near Brady, where there is a little deli/market, that I used to run down. It also reminded me of the part of Water street where Trocadero (sp?) is located…

Other than that, I was in Green Bay for the night.  I stopped up to visit some friends for the holidays, since I’ll be celebrating the winter solstice in Michigan this year. 

If you’re visiting Green Bay and looking for the best place to get the best [butter] burgers, or in my case their sea burger, head over to Kroll’s East or West locations.  I’ve gotten the same thing from that restaurant for as long as I can remember… Sea burger on a soft bun (no onions), cheese curds, bowl of chicken dumpling soup, and a chocolate malt….. mmmm…. so good.