Category Archives: Uncategorized


I was in a shitty mood last night.  It started when my washing
machine decided to take a shit.  Then, I found myself watching
Victoria Gotti’s “reality” show.  I had a beautifully crafted
slew of words describing my disgust for each celeb/rich person with a
show, to show how chaotic their life is.  Not to completely
offend, but I would like to see some of those people actually have to
do something without being waited on… wait, there was is that useless
retard, that is Paris Hilton, who proves my point… But then the
cherry on top
of it all was that firefox crashed and I lost my thoughts… ah well…
life goes on and in the end, this is all just sand in the glass.

Anyway, if you are looking for tips or info on how to repair an appliance, check out this kick ass site:

Vivid dreaming

I have been having quite a few vivid dreams lately.  It has been
fairly common for me to wake up (from a dream) in the middle of the
night.  The dreams have felt so real that I have a hard time
determining whether or not I’m dreaming at that point.

I have been pretty busy, but that seems to just be the nature of
summer.  I have a strong desire to start meditating again… I
think that would help with some stress that I’ve been feeling. 
Also, I am continuing to read (after a peroid of not reading) The Art
of Happiness
.  If you’re looking for a book to give you a better
outlook on things, give it a read.

A sewer?

That’s what I thought when I talked with MKE… Anyway, they thought the idea was good enough to put it on their front cover

A couple things to note about this… Yes, I ate part of the corn dog
that is in my hand… it was yummy and I’d like one right now.  I
was wearing sandals at the time, so that made navigating the ladder in
the sewer sort of interesting.  The pictures were taken at dusk
(around 7:30 or 8:00pm).  Christine, the photographer, had a nice
setup to create cool lighting for the pictures.  Also, It was
pretty cold (around 50 degrees), but there was warm steam coming from
the sewer.  Other than that, I did about 30-40 pictures that
day… it was a fun time and I’d be interested in doing something like
that again.

btw, the sewer was a typical sewer outside of her apartment.

Bike and stand…

I bought a motorcycle a couple weeks ago, from a friend.  It is an
’82 Yamaha 650 Maxim.  Overall, I am very pleased with the bike
and I think it’ll be a nice one to ride to/from work.  Besides,
getting about 50mpg is much better than my car’s mpg.  Anyway,
here is a picture of what it looks like:

Also… I’ve been re-organizing myself at home, a little.  I
decided to empty and throw away a dresser that I have been using for a
couple years.  The dresser looks nice, but it always left a weird
smell on the clothing that resided in it.  I tried many things to
rid that dresser of the smell, but eventually I gave up.  So… I
have since replaced it with open shelves.  I bought an
entertainment stand and use that to store some of my clothes. 
It’s weird, but I feel joy when I walk into my room, now.  The
room is bigger without that big dresser and I like the look of the open
shelf thing.  Here is a picture to give you an idea of what I used:

Flash of lights (sprites?)

While I was at lunch, today, there was a moment when I saw some flashes
of light.  The most descriptive word that I can associate with
what I saw would probably be sprite.  There were a handful (6-10)
of these sprites for a couple seconds… it was throughout my entire
line of sight, not just peripherals… Basically I would describe them
as little balls of light with tails… they slowly moved in a circular
direction.  I was standing the entire time, so it wasn’t like I
stood up too quickly.

Now, I know what a light flash is… When I was in 8th grade, I got a
minor tear in the retina of one of my eyes.  Occasional light
flares are just something that I’ve learned to deal with.  What I
saw today was not like those occasional light flares or floaters…

Anyway, I just figured that I should document this somewhere… I’ll
keep an eye on this (no pun intended) and see if anything else comes
from it.

Waves and wormholes – More physics based daydreaming

I was talking with a friend not to long ago, and he mentioned how he
has occasionally felt or saw a mesh/netting/fabric that he believed
represented the universe… I do have to admit that I have sensed
something similar a few times… Anyway, the topic came up from us
originally talking about how certain sound waves/frequencies do some
interesting things to people.  He made the point that everything
is a wave and thus affected by vibrations. 

I’d like to expand on the mesh/fabric belief, slightly, though.  I
think of the mesh more like a 3d grid/sphere… Metaphorically
speaking, think of a combination of Swiss cheese and an onion.   So… why a 3d object?

Well, I think what he meant by a mesh really represents distance and
space.  Think about everything happening at this exact moment as a
plane (in the geometric sense).  Each point on the plane would
represent an event or more precisely object.  All of the planes
would combine to make up a 3d object, in order to accommodate the notion of time.  Thus, my metaphor reference
to an onion.  So where the hell does Swiss cheese fit in?

I’m still working out all of the conceptual details, but I figure that
gravity has to fit in the picture, somewhere.  Physics says that
the more massive an object, the more gravity it has.  So… each item on the plane would have gravity and that
gravity could disrupt/interact with the other planes.  It could even create
a hole or path between some of the layers.  Mathematics has many
equations (sqrt(n), ln(n),
etc.. ) to show this.  Otherwise, if you need something more
conceptual, think of a bowling ball resting on a bed.  This is
where I pull in the notion of Swiss cheese… figure gravity is warping
the space/time continuum in ways that we don’t really know how to
utilize right now. 

Think about this, though… say an object exists with gravity strong
enough to warp the mesh enough to create a tunnel between some
layers.  Then think that the object at the center of the
distortion doesn’t really exist at all, or it exists in another
dimension.  Only the gravity distortion exists.  That way,
objects that travel through the gravity created vortex wouldn’t collide
with a super massive (and probably very tiny) object.  Since there
is no object to hit, an object that enters the vortex could exit the
other side at the same velocity.  In effect, it would be a way
shortcut time and space, or as most people have termed it, a wormhole

The major fault in this logic is that the super massive object doesn’t
really exist.  Either that or there must be a way to create
extremely large amounts of gravity without the mass requirement. 
It might also be possible that once the tunnel is created, it could
sustain it’s form solely from the structure of the layers themselves (without the requirement of extreme gravity)…

Nachos in Baltimore

I went to Baltimore over this past weekend… If you’re ever looking
for a great place to get nachos in Baltimore, check out Nacho Mamas
Canton.  It’s right in the square, so you have some choices for
where to wet your beak while you wait to sit.  Probably the best
plate of nachos that I’ve ever had.  We had one plate for the six
of us that were eating and it worked well as an appetizer.  Two
people could easily be full from just the nachos, though.

Javascript: Attach event

In an effort to better my javascript skills… I needed a way to hook
into the window.onload event.  Rather than just doing something
like window.onload = Load_EventHandler();
I decided that I would add an event listener to the load event,
instead… But how to do that so that it is cross-browser supported (IE
6+ and Gecko is all I really care about, personally)?  This is
what I came up with (with example usage):

function AttachEvent(elementObj, eventName, eventHandlerFunctionName)
if (elementObj.addEventListener)
{ // Non-IE browsers
elementObj.addEventListener(eventName, eventHandlerFunctionName, false);
else if (elementObj.attachEvent)
{ // IE 6+
elementObj.attachEvent('on' + eventName, eventHandlerFunctionName);
{ // Older browsers
var currentEventHandler = elementObj['on' + eventName];
if (currentEventHandler == null)
elementObj['on' + eventName] = eventHandlerFunctionName;
elementObj['on' + eventName] = function(e) { currentEventHandler(e); eventHandlerFunctionName(e); }
// @eventArgs is an interface of type Event:
function Load_EventHandler(eventArgs)

AttachEvent(window, "load", Load_EventHandler);

A random thought for a Friday afternoon…

Every day I grow; the world becomes a little smaller… It wasn’t that
long ago that I thought of the world as an infinte adventure… It’s
becoming more apparent to me that the world doesn’t move as rapidly as
I once thought.   I think that this trend will reverse once I
hit a certain age, though.  I think I’ll become more apprehensive
towards leaving my comfort area (home, city, country, etc…)

When I was growing up, I thought we’d have flying cars and amazing health care at this point… damn movies

What I didn’t realize is that there is a process that everything must
go through before it is unleashed to the general public.  That
process is the thing that ultimately slows innovation… it is also the
thing that keeps safety (arguable) and consistency in products… so you
get the good with the bad, I guess.

Are you free because you can lock your door at night?

No… you’re just scared.  Ask the majority of Canadians if they
lock their doors at night…  America… the land of the scared sheep

Now don’t get me wrong… I love the land where I live. But it seems that the majority of people are, more than ever before, blindly following idiots in power.

Anyway, it’s good to know that I’m not the only one disgusted with the current state of media in the world. Via Dare