My multi-dimensional theory…

Yesterday and again this morning, I thought about something rather interesting, to me anyway. Sometimes random things go through my head and this happens to be one of them. Take it however you like… I just want to put this down somewhere, and hopefully get a little input from other people.

I was thinking about the notion of multiple dimensions and how they are perceived by me (and possibly other humans). Originally, I think I was pondering how a supreme being could exist in more dimensions than we can experience. I had a thought that when I experience a sense of déjà vu, I am really experiencing a form of another dimension.

Now, I realize that some scientists have discarded déjà vu as an impulse in the brain, where the signal is sent to the short term memory at the same time it is perceived by the senses/mind. That gives you the feeling that you have seen the same place/been in the same situation before because while you’re experiencing it, you also think that you are remembering it from a previous time. The fact that you can’t place the time has to do with it all happening at that particular moment… Anyway…

Back to my theory… Déjà vu seems to be interpreted as something like a mental image, feeling, sensation, or any combination of those. In this case, my déjà vu would actually have been me experiencing a different dimension, but I interpreted it in a way that I had felt like I had experienced it before. Perhaps I had… I can’t be sure that other dimensions exist and if they do, whether or not I can interact with them (consciously or subconsciously).

To put this another way… instead of typing this blog entry, say I was sitting on a beautiful island beach with the warm breeze blowing through my hair. I would be experiencing a different set of emotions and thoughts. Now say that was still happening, but in a different dimension, apart from my current state. Through some sort fluke (call it what you will), my current state sort of latched into the emotions, thoughts, or just a stream of randomness that would be going on in that other dimension. The only way that I can currently explain this is a feeling of déjà vu, when in actuality, it could have just been a multidimensional communication…

Now, to put this in even more abstract terms, think about this… Perhaps this is the only dimension where my physical body exists. There could be a dimension, that some portion of me (a part of my soul, for example) exists in, where only thoughts are present. Maybe it’s the “me” in that dimension attempting to communicate with this one, and I’m just not completely aware how to, in this dimension…

So to go back to something that I have thought of in times past… While at certain concerts, I wondered if the artist was feeding off the energy of those around them in order to tap into a stream of energy. That stream of energy could from be a different dimension. When the artists were “in the zone” it seemed as though they were not quite paying attention to what was going on around them, but instead just hooked up to another source of input and describing it through their music/performance.

That’s what I have for now.. Maybe I’ll come back to this, but in any case hopefully this isn’t too confusing…

“I want to try out the single life”

I heard this twice in a pretty recent/short time span now, and I was beginning to think that I just plain offended pretty girls. So… I called the girl who first told me the “I want to be single for a while” line. But first, a little background info…

I met this great girl while in Baltimore and we started hanging out a little. We went on a couple dates and things seemed to be progressing nicely. I could tell that her mind was on some other things, occasionally, and she seemed apprehensive about [my damn smooth] advances, etc… Eventually, she just came out and told me that she had just broken up with her boyfriend right before I met her, and she wanted to be single for a while. Not really knowing what that meant, I just figured that I would just take it slower and see what happened… Anyway, to make the story somewhat short, we’ve just become good friends. So, I talked to her this last weekend because another girl gave me pretty much the same line. When I heard it, I kind of giggled and wondered what the fuck was wrong with me, etc…

To put in normal guy lingo what “I want to be single for a while” means… that the girl wants to see who else is out there. Basically, you don’t fit the 100% perfect man ideal that the girl has, so she wants to see if there is someone out there who does. I suppose girls think it’s a nice way to keep things open but still look for someone better. It doesn’t mean that opportunity is gone or anything, but they’re just not ready to settle for your ass, yet…

Pieces of me

Not to be confused by the trendy song from Ashley Simpson…

The house inspection went well.  There were a couple minor things that were found, but nothing major…. so that looks like it’ll all go through nicely.  When I get done learning a little song that has been on my mind lately, I’ll post some pictures, etc.

Other than that, I spent the majority of the weekend with a friend who will forever own pieces of my heart.  For the first time in what seems like forever (probably closer to a year or two), I enjoyed a smile on my face for long periods of time.  I have to admit that feeling joy like that has been sort of vacant from me for too long, and  I can only hope that it continues… it was a welcomed change.

On a less mushy side of things 🙂  I’m slightly curious what will become of this blog.  I enjoy writing my ramblings, the fact that people actually read this still amazes me, but I don’t think it’ll go the direction I originally thought.  I figured that when I turned 60 or so, I could come back to this, read a couple posts, and laugh at my personality/issues… It seems that there will be so much info, that I’ll probably just get lazy and not do that.  Who knows though… time shall tell.

My life at this moment

I put an offer on a house earlier this week. The seller came back with a counter offer, which I then proceeded to accept. The change in the offer had to do with the seller not leaving a couple appliances and pushing the closing date back about 10 days… Not a big deal. So now, I’m scheduled to meet with an inspector today and run through the house. Apparently this process takes about 3 hours… It should be quite a good learning experience. Provided that goes through without a hitch, the only other obstacle that I foresee is making sure the financing is all set. The closing date is set for October 25th now, and I’ll provide more info as it comes my way.

I have begun to use Google alerts… I saw a link along the bottom of my screen and figured what the hell, I’ll give it a whirl. It’s sort of nice. It basically provides customized search results to gmail. For instance, I put a google alert to notify me (email me) whenever "Geurts" comes up in the news.

I have one other thing on my mind currently. I’m just curious how much it costs to make a penny. It has to be more than the currency is worth. Sort of ironic, I think…

Party and custom controls

I went to a friend’s bachelor party this past weekend. It was near Crandon, WI and about 10-15 people showed up. Overall, it was a good time and I have to admit that even the drive up there was enjoyable. I took some (probably too many) pictures and they should get posted at some point in the near future.  One thing that I can’t get over is that it was REALLY cold, for August.  The maple trees were even changing colors, which seems about a month early to me.

Outside of that, I’ve been pretty busy at work. I put together a nice custom user control that uses callbacks to dynamically update visual objects on the screen (without posting back). It is designed for .Net 1.x and seems to work pretty well. Under the covers, I was able to create a base control class that allows you to use both synchronous and asynchronous callbacks to do your bidding…

I am currently working on a wizard type control. I wasn’t clear how ITemplate interfaces played in with controls, but I am now. They’re useful if you create/extend a datalist type control and want to create an html template (defined in the control’s view) for each data item. The thing that I was looking for, however, was the ControlBuilder class. When you override GetChildControlType from a class that inherits ControlBuilder, you can define how to process child objects. Basically, this gives you finer control than the ParseChildren(true) attribute. To make a long story short, a developer can use my control somewhat as follows:

<uc1:wizard id=”mywizard” runat=”server”>
<wizardpage id=”page1″ src=”~/page1.ascx” … />
<wizardpage id=”page2″ src=”~/page2.ascx” … />

It seems interesting that these types of topics were never touched on the MS cert exam that I took. I’m starting to believe that the development cert exams just touch the technology and basically show that you are a step above a novice. Maybe I just took an easier test, though 🙂

Seasonal dream

Putting into words the dream that I had Saturday morning is probably more challenging than I care for… So instead, I’ll just write the gist of it. It involved me in the mountains, near a ski lift that seems to pop up in my dreams occasionally. The first pass over the mountain was in the summertime and I was in a hot air balloon or something similar. As we crested over the summit of one of the mountains (this one had the ski lift on it), I saw a mountain fire, in the distance. I could definitely make out trees that were being engulfed by the fire.

All of a sudden, I was there in the winter time. This time, I was attempting to get a car up the mountain w/ some people. I don’t really recall a lot of this portion of the dream, but I do know that the car, we were trying to get up the mountain, was being pulled by a wagon or something similar…

My weekend adventures…

This weekend has been a good time. Saturday night, I met a girl from Japan, named Metsuko… Dan met her on his trip throughout Europe and Asia. Apparently, she is still travelling and having a good time doing so.

I found out that the way to travel, is to buy an open ended type of ticket. This is where the star alliance, etc comes into play. So, she bought a ticket for around $3000 and that ticket is good for 19 flights. Apparently, she’ll travel to a city, hang out and checkout the city. Then, she’ll decide where she wants to go to next. The only caveat is that she can only travel one direction around the globe. So, she can’t back-track. Anyway… she’s been to more places than I can name. The bonus is that if you can stay with aquaintences along the way, then your room/board is taken care of and all you really need to worry about is paying for food.

Oh, I also verified that the ancient tradition of eating sushi off of a naked virgin is valid. She said that it doesn’t happen much (as far as she is aware), but she has heard of it…

Outside of that, I ended up getting home around 4:00am. This is where it got weird. I went to bed like normal but woke up around 6:30am or so… I looked at the clock and figured that I fucked it up in my sleep and that it was running slow… so, I went back to bed for a nap and woke back up around 9:00 am…. this time, I was still confused and figured that it was really like noon or 1:00pm. I don’t know why, but I felt wide awake. I even checked my cell phone to verify the time. I’m not quite sure why I felt so much awake, but I definitely did and figured it was worth writing down…

By the way… I had a VERY vivid dream right before waking up at 9:00am… it involved hanging out w/ Dave & Trey at a house. I had a roommate (not sure who), that kept inviting people over to marvel at the singers. I remember being irritated that he treated them as circus animals, rather than friends…

Also… one last thing. I’ve been walking around my neighborhood taking some pictures of things that catch my eye. I’ve posted some of them to the gallery, and I’ll post more that I took this weekend when I get time (probably early this week).

Recent dreams about death

Before I forget about these…

Sunday night, I had a dream about a big spider…. It was so big that it was rumored to have killed (and eaten) Reggie, the lovable dog from Sheboygan. Later that night, I found myself in a very confused state. I work up sideways on my current bed (king size inflatable mattress). I was very confused and must have been warm, because I thought that the house was on fire… I got out of bed and hunted around for my clock… After a minute or two of that, I must have woken up enough to decide that the best action was to just get back into bed. Strange…

Last night (Monday), I had another strange dream. I had a dream that my friend from the dorms, Brian, had killed one or two people. I was then caught up in this fiasco where I severely hurt Brian (in defense) and was accused of killing them. Later, I walked through the woods and finished him off, as he attempted to kill again.

With all of these dreams dealing with death, I can’t help but wonder what is going on…. Also, it appears as though I have more active dreams when the weather is warmer. When I slept in Baltimore, the temperature never really got above 70-75 degrees… Now, there is no a/c and the temperature fluctuates quite a bit due to having the windows open in my room, etc. This is definitely something I plan on keeping an eye on.

Disable search assist in Windows XP / Internet Explorer

I’ve been annoyed by Windows XP file search â€śutil” (that annoying dog, etc) ever since I started using it.  Finally! I came across a tweak to bring it back to the Windows 2000/2003 way of searching:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Explorer CabinetState

Create a new STRING value and name it “Use Search Asst” without the quotes.

Specify the value data equal to “no” without the quotes.  Here is a reg file that you can copy & paste:

Windows Registry Editor Version
"Use Search Asst"="no"

 If you’re interested in doing the same to IE, modify this key in the same way:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software Microsoft Internet Explorer Main